Woke up to a beautiful morning. The sky is deep blue and the temperature is in the brisk forty’s. The flowers are still blooming with their Spring vigor. Reminds me of “Landour, Mussoorie” April mornings. From Prospect Point, at the top of the hillside, we would walk down the zig-zag mile path to Woodstock School. We would be dressed for the chill mountain air. The twenty or so minutes it took to reach our destination was enough exertion to stimulate the best wide awake class room ready to learn mental state.
It is a little different here...there are no mountains and no deodar conifers to perfume the air nor mock orange blossoms. (We had a mock orange at Idavere in Roanoke and mountains all around).Still, I relish the expectancy that seems to hover in the air on these special days. Later the sun will warm everything just up to comfortable. That would be around 10:30 when the school had its mid morning break. The box wallahs would be gathered in front of Parker Hall waiting for the students to rush out to buy sweet goodies from them. For a few minutes the world seemed suspended in timeless perfection, when the Lord might look down from above and pronounce his creation “good”. I thought about all this while taking the trash out to the garbage bin this morning.
Dear Bill,
It sounds like you are missing Mussoorie still very much! I guess it always stays in everyone's heart! I had your email address once, but don't have it anymore, so I am writing here. Thank you for reading my blog and being interested in the post story! I am now teaching middle school math in San Jose, California. Summer is about to begin! The editing has progressed and the documentary is 32 min now. We have submitted it to festivals and will find out in August about whether it gets in. If so, I may post something on my blog! If you have an email address, I can keep you posted. I will not be going to WOSA this year. Hope you are doing well!
Thanks for responding! Looks as if you're making the transition quite well. Expect San Jose approximates Mussoorie in its multi cultural aspect in some ways. Middle school math has to be a great challenge...yet, if you know your subject well you've had enough experiences presenting it that you know you're doing a professional job. I'll find out shortly if this is going to reach you with my email address I have I promise not to be a pest...just like to know what is happening to people who I have
learned to know on the web who have a fresher outlook on Woodstock/ Landour, etc. Let me know if you received my email which is almost identical to this with my other email enclosed. Have a great summer! Blessings! Bill K.
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