Thursday, February 20, 2025

Preparing For Another Snow!

Another 2 day snow event is barreling down on us. This is Monday and it will be on the ground Wednesday and Thursday, followed by some deep freeze temperatures.Today is Feb.18,2025. It's cloudy outside but snow chances have dwindled a little for us, It's almost lunchtime and Lib and I are just two old 80's year olds passing time, and time to our demise ticks closer. Happy Day??? Ripe old age is often spent in reflection upon the life we've lived as we no longer have responsibilities and lack the strength and energy to do much more. 

Today is Feb.19,2025 . We were expecting some attention from Liberty Mutual about the limb that hit our house roof earlier in the week,but received calls saying because of the impending snow storm that was not likely. Got up this morning and it was snowing lightly at 7 am. It's 10 am and I'm checking out temporarily.

Today is February 20 at around noon. It snowed of and on all last night and finally stopped just recently. The outside temperature is near freezing and the melt has slowly begun. 

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