Monday, May 20, 2024


   It is a Monday morning and the day is moving from damp and dismal toward sunny and delightful. I have this compulsion to explain more of my life to myself and anyone  who arrives here and might discover a resonant theme. If you've read from this source, it is the rumination of an old American soul.

Because I lived in India during the first years of my life, it definitely colors my perspective. Because I was blessed to be a performing/teaching violinist was another powerful dimension to my life experience. Musicians just encounter other very interesting people/musicians. I am a better than average reader so have been influenced by writers who had very compelling thoughts to share. I consider myself a pseudo intellectual by the breadth of my reading from real intellectuals who have contributed to the world's search for truth. As my mind seems to be slowly disassembling itself, I needed to briefly explain to myself why and who I became who I am at this late date. This mode is as good as any and is one of the "new" channels to share life experiences.

I  will begin with the most recent influencers: Buddy Whitfield a neighbor and fellow musician is the latest. He is a fine guitar player. We teemed up years ago for a neighborhood event and then left each other's orbits. Like comets, we encountered each other again and he helps by slowing down the ravages of time. Next are two: Andy Certner violinist who formed a new quartet that I was privileged to play in and Sheryl Smith cellist who completed a previous quartet I was in when our aging cellist died.

Next I wish to recognize Facebook Indian friends who I have never met in the flesh yet have had staying power in our interactions. Souls who have strong commonalities and affinities for what we may share with each other. The most delightful has been my friend, VIJENDRA TRIGHATIA. He found my blog and discovered we both had lived some time at Prospect Point, a home in Landour/Mussoorie U.P. India. We began corresponding and learned we shared strong interests in writing, photography, interesting Indian experiences, and musical performance. He is considerably younger than I and surely exceeds in each of the categories we share.  Through him I learned to know Vivek Khanna, (now deceased yet such a delightful and friendly soul from whom I gleaned much), Milena Banks ( an American novelist), Lily Swarn, a noted Indian poetess and author. And finally by accident I stumbled upon the fine photo skills of Kalpana Chatterjee while perusing the web for the northwest Indian province of Ladakh.

Now on to literary influences. One of the most preeminent would be the library/collection known as "Bible" to Christians. I grew up as a child on Hulbert's stories of the Bible. It was for children, but as I matured they forgot that part. Still, it is helpful if one allows one's self to mature. I'm curious about many things and have recent encountered the teachings and conclusions of a powerful Biblical scholar whose approach is historical, Bart Ehrman, who is a recognized New Testament Scholar. His spiritual/intellectual journey began with a strong fundamentalist background and matured to either agnostic or atheistic leanings. He had numerous tomes to his credit as well as presentations on YouTube. My views and understandings have been advanced by his presentations and books that I have read.

Another writer earlier in my journey was Loren Eiseley. I especially enjoyed his lyrical almost mystical book, "The Immense Journey". It's a collection of chapters on how life became human through the mystery of  "evolution " and yet leaves open the distinct possibility of a Creator. He was a scientist with a huge concept of "time", much greater than most of us, yet kind enough to expose us to his understandings of what the natural world and our burgeoning knowledge has revealed.

Finally, several years ago I stumbled upon an Indian intellect who engages with scholars and large audiences on well known Universities and venues named SADHGURU. His great talent is to bring together the ancient wisdom of India with the science of modern America on YouTube. If you sample his work and ideas you will find an amazing yet very approachable genius. 

I must stop here. 

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