Sunday, June 30, 2024

More ramblings (A little more urgent)

 Sunday morning June 31-2024.

I suspect a few of you are reading this ... so for your edification here goes!

Most of you are aware of the Thursday night debate debacle, especially if you're capable of arriving here. I see myself in that situation so hope to complete some more thoughts on my condition....while my mind still remembers and works.

I notice as does Lib, my short term memory is fading fast. Rather than a few blanks every few days, it's a multitude of blanks daily as she needs to remind me frequently what I started to do as she instructed .(That may come from woman's ability to multitask, still I should be cognizant of that weakness in my mental capacity.) You might say, "But Bill, you can still navigate to here and add to your blog. You write with college level wording and spell correctly." That's why I'm writing now, while I still have that ability. 

So let me bring you up to date since my last entry. I did an exercise that pulled a muscle in my back, one self diagnosis corroborated by my doctor and Lib's PT person. I also wonder if it is the return of a lower backbone (laminectopy) operation several decades ago because of age related degeneration of the spine. In either case that really impacts on walking from the pain it can generate! We'll see whether skillfully applied PT may fix that, because that directly affects other necessary life activities such as:

1. Driving: Not being able to drive is a major hurdle when I must be the grocery shopper! By itself it puts that task and doctor's visits on somebody else.Right now Cathy has assumed some of that.

2. If it gets so bad that I can't function in our home that becomes another major caretaking problem for someone. That either is a very probable outcome is a scary scenario. It's a regression to child and babyhood if one continues to live. Not a pleasant thing to contemplate.

3. I wonder whether these problems will accelerate or just move slowly and inexorably on. 

So these are the thoughts I share here for those of my inner circle of Facebook friends who may have some interest or advice, Respond at . Cheerio and God bless!


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Another Spiral Down!

 Several days ago I thought I would try a new exercise right after waking. It was supposed to strengthen the core muscles in the back. After breakfast I noticed a little twinge every one in a while ( a sharp little pain in my lower back. 

Grocery day so drove to the store. No real problem to be concerned about. In the store began to feel sharp pains every once in awhile in my lower left back. On the way back several sharp pains at the same place so when I arrived phoned Lib to meet me at the door and help me get the groceries in (she has only one good arm so it is slow going for both of us. ) We go to bed around 11 pm our usual time but I can't sleep because this pain though slight is still there. Around 4 am I take a strong pain reliever and slowly fall asleep. The next morning I feel good and Cathy drives me the doctor's appointment.Concensus was that I had probably strained a muscle. Returned home and thought I was over 

Everything felt normal until readying for bed when the little twinges returned. We went to sleep, but every time I turned it hurt bad enough for me to finally get some over the counter pain killer and get to a fitful sleep. 

This  morning I'm walking gingerly with the help of a rollator because a misstep causes weight on my left foot side causes a strong twinge on that side. When you're my agency (near 87) you wonder how to manage a host of  maintenance issues by myself if this is going to be more or less permanent ? We don't want to be a burden on our grown children..... hoping that we can still hang on. Late living life usually gets more problematic especially when debilitating and permanent pain sets in. Hope I can write again with a more cheerful report.